This page is (obviously) about upcoming Latvian Events (that I know of) on the West Coast of the United States, with approximate
dates. (Note- events far into the future- i.e. several months, have approximated dates and as the event comes closer exact
dates will be added)
Event Descriptions:
Jani At Kursa:
Hee hee if you wanna get drunk go to Jani (located on Kursa grounds, not DURING Kursa.....) Ppl literally just HAND you alchohol
even if ur obviously like 12 *snort* yeah it's true, but that's not the whole point of the thing anyways.
SO DONT GET ME WRONG. I'm not promoting under-age drinking. I'm simply stating facts. Don't you dare go getting on my case
because I've seen people underage drink and drunk myself. Don't tell me you never have. Thank you.
Nyaha plus even if you don't like alchohol it's awesome bc you see all these people you know from Kursa/Mezotne and such....
^_^ It's really fun. I mean all the old people sing Latvian songs and blah blah blah... usually someone's playing soccer....
they have a big performance with Trejdeksnitis (Seattle dance group) and songs and Janu cheese and beer contests (its a Jani
thing don't ask), they also have a Vainagu contest, yadda yadda yadda..... then when the performance is over, if you wanna
party, you go to Raimonds Parks. Basically. That's where the party always is.
Also if you're younger and don't like alchohol there's a bonfire by the basketball courts at which you can make s'mores....
yum.... and when do we go to sleep? We dont! You're not supposed to.
Since Latvia is so far north on Midsummer, which IS Jani, there's no night. 24 hours of day. So there's a thing that says
if you sleep on Jani you'll sleep all year. The little kids get leniance ofc.
Also, couples go to look for "fern flowers". But everyone knows ferns don't grow flowers. But it DOES give couples an excellent
reason to disappear into the woods until morning with no questions asked..... *nudge nudge*
But, though some people do that most of the people I hang out with just congregate at Raimonds Parks, drink, and basically
party. (Yes there is a campfire otherwise we'd freeze our butts off!!!!
So there's things for everyone: the older people can sing traditional Latvian tautas dziesmas, the older guys can sample beer
and cheese, the little kids get to stay up late and have marshmellows, and everyone in between can hang out, drink if they
really wanna, talk to friends, and literally party the night away!
Dziesmas Svekts, Kursa, And Mezotne:
These all have their own page on this site, so don't lok for descriptions here!
Timeline of Events
These are upcoming Latvian events on the West Coast of America....
Jani at Kursa
June 23-24, 2006
Kursas Rietumkrastas Latviesu Vidusskola (Kursa's West Coast Latvian School)
Ages 14-17 (Shelton, WA)
July 2-August 5, 2006
Mezotne Latvian School Summer Camp
Ages 4-14 (Shelton, WA)
August 6-13, 2006