Heh heh OK Dziesmas Svekts (I can't conjugate the ending properly since I'm using English) has been happening sporadically
since like the 1970's. The most literal translation I can make is "Song Holiday" but it's more "Songfest"
LOL. It's basically a whole bunch of singing, dancing, plays, rehearsals, bazaars, and dances, smushed into appx. a week or
two. All Latvian. It's rather hectic, and tough to organize, so they've already started on the coming year's. I don't think
they've ever had a DS a year for awhile. (the last one was last August at San Francisco) But since there was such a big turnout...
well... ok ANYWAYS the description:
DS Description:
All right well the best way to describe Dziesmas Svekti is one word: CHAOS. It's fun, but it's hectic. You have a reherasal
there, choir practice there, a show here, a play there, a dance here, and a whole bunch of Latvians everywhere! It's so fun,
because you can see all your friends from Kursa/Mezotne/Garezers, and a whole bunch more. Plus, you meet like 20 ppl who knew
you/you knew like when you were 3 years old and haven't seen in over a decade or something.
For the repitoire, there's many things that go on at Dziesmas Svetki. There's usually a Tautas Dejas performance (traditional
Latvian dance performance), a Kopkora Koncerts (Unified Choir concert- i.e. every choir within reach in one place singing
their hearts out. Moving? I think yes!) some sort of play, a ball AT LEAST every other night ^_^, and other assorted things
that pertain to the location of the Songfest- i.e. last year in San Francisco they had a cable car ride, Alcatraz tour, etc.
Overall, the whole thing is amazing and really fun and you simply MUST go to the Unified Choir Concert. It's like, required.
Last year they had to switch the location of the place we were performing to SAN FRANCISCO SYMPHONY HALL. Yes, the WORLD FAMOUS
SF Symphony Hall. And it was pretty darn near sold out!!!!!!! It was incredible- I sweartogod the people throughout the building
could hear us singing.
As for the balles, what can I say? Latvians are party animals! We enjoy parties! Very much so! At the Cabare Night, last year,
when one of the performers was pulling out the champagne cork by hand, it shot out of his grip, straight up, and hit the light
above the stage. (there were a lot of little round lights in the ceiling. we hit one of those ^_^) As I was saying, Latvians
really enjoy dancing, and singing, and just music overall! ^_^
All in all, Dziesmas Svetki is just amazing. Hearing Latvian all around you- on the street, at the hotel, at the pool, everywhere,
is just so incredible. Being surrounded by friends and all the culture and heritage, plus being part of it if your in a choir
or dance group, is an amazing feeling. I mean the facts in and of themselves are staggering- the entire pacific coast of America
and all of its choirs and dance groups showed up. Plus a few extras from the midwest, Canada, even Latvia! Dziesmas Svetki
is DEFINATELY something you have to experience at least once in your lifetime!!!!