The Virtual Kamin Telps

Home | Upcoming Latvian Events | Mezotne | Dziesmas Svekti | Contact Me | Kursa's Corner

Welcome to The Virtual Kamin Telps!!!!!!!!!

Welcome! This site is her to inform you about Latvian events on the west coast (ish) of the United States! It has information about Kursa, Mezotne, Dziesmas Svetks, and more! Please enjoy, and if you have another event you would like added, visit the 'contact me' page and send an e-mail! Enjoy the site!

OK well I now have synopses of Mezotne, and Dziesmas Svetks, and Kursa has its own page now! The only one with pictures, however, is Kursa's Corner, because I dont have enough file space, sorry! Note- Many more pictures available on the Kursa official website '' Cheers!

Mugy looks at you and says hello.

What's New?

Hee hee this is where I'll poke in boring time-wasting updates of what I've done to my site whenever I bother mwahahahaaaa........

12/06/03 MK hee hee JUST MADE this site and am now fiddling around with all the doohickeys..... Oskar you might wanna know *evil grin* There's a very lovely picture of you going up.... it gets it's own page.... everyone check it out it's quite beautiful.... O looks lovely in plaid.... *smirk*

12/18/03 Hee hee its weird I like keep skipping around and updating diff pgs... like Mezotne is still in progress but I already started on Kursa.... the Upcoming Events one isnt done but I'm working on two others lol.... wtever.... there's more than there was and Mezotne is like 3/4s or 7/8s done so yay! ^_^ c yas....

12/28/03 YAY I'm done with the Kursa Pictures, DS Pictures, The Incriminating Oskar Picture, Contact Me, wow I'm done with ALL THOSE PAGES!!!!! :D Do check out the Incriminating Pic lol it had me in stitches first time I saw it roflol..... m hm now just gotta finish Kursa, Mezotne, and Upcoming Latvian Events ^_^ C yas!!!!

12/13/04 I am completely, 100% DONE! I had abandoned this page until October 2004, and then I suddenly took it up again. Completely revamped, obviously, and added Kursa's Corner, for Kursonians and Kursa-related things. I hope you all enjoy, unless news of another Latvian event reaches my ears I am OUTTA HERE!!! Ciao and enjoy the site!

Enjoy your browsing! Background music is called Ziemelmeita by a Latvian band called Jumprava.

Click Here For Background Music